Audio Player Moniwiki Macro

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  • WordPressAudioPlayer . . . . 5 matches
          * ''''''audio-player'''-noswfobject.js''' (a version of '''audio-player'''.js without the swfobject 2.1 library if you are including it separately)
          * ''''''audio-player'''-uncompressed.js''' (same as above but uncompressed so you can read the code)
          1. Extract and upload the files to your server (only two files are required: ''''''audio-player'''.js''' and '''player.swf''')
          1. Include the ''''''audio-player'''.js''' file in the HEAD section of your html page
  • AudioPlayerMoniwikiMacro . . . . 4 matches
         #keywords audio-player,moniwiki,macro
         === audio-player 설치 ===
         || ||
         ../moniwiki/local/audio-player/ 에 압축을 해제합니다.
  • HyacinthWiki . . . . 1 match
         + local/audio-player
  • LocalKeywords . . . . 1 match
         audio-player macro moniwiki
Found 4 matching pages out of 1201 total pages

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