Help On Macros

1. Macros #

Macros allow the insertion of system features into normal wiki pages; the only thing that makes those pages special is that they contain macros. If you edit pages like RecentChanges or SystemInfo, you'll see what that means.

For more information on the possible markup, see HelpOnEditing.

1.1. Search macros #

[[TitleSearch]] search the page titles FindPage
[[FullSearch]] search the page contents FindPage
[[GoTo]] directly go to the page you enter FindPage
[[PageList(regex)]] list of pages whose title matches the regex HelpIndex

1.2. Navigation #

[[RecentChanges]] a list of recently edited pages RecentChanges
[[TitleIndex]] an index of all page titles TitleIndex
[[WordIndex]] an index of all words in page titles WordIndex
[[RandomPage]] a link to a random page 람히르 B랭
[[RandomPage(#)]] links to a number of random pages
[[TableOfContents]] display a local table of contents see below

1.3. System information #

[[InterWiki]] a list of all known InterWiki names InterWiki
[[SystemInfo]] info on the wiki, the python interpreter and the host system SystemInfo
[[PageCount]] current page count 1201 pages
[[PageHits]] display page hits PageHits

1.4. Others #

[[Icon(image)]] display system icons HelpOnNavigation
[[UserPreferences]] display a user preferences dialog UserPreferences
[[BR]] insert a line break 1st line
2nd line
[[Include(HelloWorld[,heading[,level]])]] include contents of another page HelloWorld
[[Comment]] display page comment [[Comment]]

2. Example Display #

We don't show examples for all macros here, because that would make this page quite long. Here is is the replacement text for the [[SystemInfo]] macro:
PHP Version 4.4.1AnNyung (Linux #6 SMP 2011. 10. 12. () 12:24:27 KST i686)
MoniWiki Version Release 1.2.4-RC2 [Revision: 1.1146 ]
HTTP Server Version Apache
Number of Pages 1201

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