Java Script/모든 플러그인 출력

for Mozilla 계열 브라우저

  1. var L = navigator.plugins.length;
  3. document.write( L.toString() + " Plugin(s)" );
  4. document.write( "<br>" );
  5. document.write( "Name | Filename | description" );
  6. document.write( "<br>" );
  8. for(var i = 0; i < L; i++) {
  9.   document.write( navigator.plugins[i].name );
  10.   document.write( " | " );
  11.   document.write( navigator.plugins[i].filename );
  12.   document.write(" | ");
  13.   document.write( navigator.plugins[i].description );
  14.   document.write( " | " );
  15.   document.write( navigator.plugins[i].version );
  16.   document.write( "<br>" );
  17. }

26 Plugin(s)
Name | Filename | description
Shockwave Flash | pepflashplayer.dll | Shockwave Flash 11.6 r602 | undefined
Chrome Remote Desktop Viewer | internal-remoting-viewer | This plugin allows you to securely access other computers that have been shared with you. To use this plugin you must first install the Chrome Remote Desktop webapp. | undefined
Native Client | ppGoogleNaClPluginChrome.dll | | undefined
Chrome PDF Viewer | pdf.dll | | undefined
Adobe Acrobat | nppdf32.dll | Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape 10.1.6 | undefined
Microsoft Office 2010 | NPAUTHZ.DLL | Office Authorization plug-in for NPAPI browsers | undefined
Microsoft Office 2010 | NPSPWRAP.DLL | The plug-in allows you to open and edit files using Microsoft Office applications | undefined
AhnLab Online Security | npaosmgr.dll | Aosmgr Plugin Module | undefined
AhnLab Online Security Anti-keylogger | npmkd25sp.dll | AhnLab Online Security | undefined
nProtect Netizen v5.5 Install. | npenkOBInstall5.dll | npenkOBInstall5 DLL | undefined
NPI3GManager (c) Interezen. plugin | NPI3GManager.dll | I3G Security Manager. (c) Interezen. | undefined
Java(TM) Platform SE 7 U17 | npjp2.dll | Next Generation Java Plug-in 10.17.2 for Mozilla browsers | undefined
Silverlight Plug-In | npctrl.dll | 5.1.20125.0 | undefined
SoftForum XecureWeb Control Plug-in | npxwebplugin.dll | npxwebplugin v. | undefined
SoftForum XecureWeb File Control Plug-in | npxwebplugin_file.dll | npxwebplugin_file v. | undefined
Softforum XecureWeb Unified Plug-in | npXecureMacuxNPPlugin.dll | XecureWeb Unified Plug-in for Mozilla browsers v1.0.4.3 | undefined
VLC Web Plugin | npvlc.dll | VLC media player Web Plugin 2.0.2 | undefined
DelfinoPlugin | npdelfinoplugin.dll | WIZVERA Delfino | undefined
Veraport Mozilla Plugin | npveraport20.dll | Veraport Mozilla Plugin (2512) | undefined
iTunes Application Detector | npitunes.dll | iTunes Detector Plug-in | undefined
Google Update | npGoogleUpdate3.dll | Google Update | undefined
ePageSafer MultiBrowser | npMAOnFPS_MultiBrowser.dll | MarkAny FPS Plugin | undefined
Zettamedia Launcher | npZmLauncher.dll | Zettamedia Launcher Plugin | undefined
npEfdsWPlugin | npEfdsWPlugin.dll | npEfdsWPlugin DLL | undefined
Java Deployment Toolkit | npDeployJava1.dll | NPRuntime Script Plug-in Library for Java(TM) Deploy | undefined
TouchEn Key for Multi-Browser | npKeyPro.dll | TouchEn Key for Multi-Browser | undefined

Running Real Code

0 Plugin(s)
Name | Filename | description

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