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  • C++/(MFC)CString to BSTR . . . . 15 matches
         #keywords BSTR,C++,CString,MFC
         === 'CString' to 'BSTR': ===
         BSTR bstr = str.AllocSysString();
         If you pass the 'BSTR' to some OLE function, this will normally free the 'BSTR' memory when done with it.
         If you use the 'BSTR' by yourself, dont forget to call '::SysFreeString()' when you're done with it.
         === 'BSTR' to 'CString': ===
         You will mostly need this when you have some OLE function that returns a 'BSTR'. Such an OLE Function will basically do something like this:
         HRESULT SomeOLEFunction(BSTR& bstr)
          bstr = ::SysAllocString(L"Hello");
         Use a temporary variable of the type '_bstr_t' to wrap the 'BSTR'. This way you handle both the 208 and make sure that you have no memory leak:
         BSTR bstr;
         _bstr_t tmp(bstr, FALSE); //wrap the BSTR
         // when tmp goes out of scope it will free the BSTRs memory
         What is this BSTR thing, and how does it differ from WCHAR* ? Here is Eric's Complete Guide To BSTR Semantics.
  • C++ . . . . 1 match
         ["/(MFC)CString to BSTR"]
  • C++/(COM)IWebBrowser2와 IHTMLDocument2, IHTMLWindow2 구하기 . . . . 1 match
          CComBSTR(_T("JScript")), &vtResult);
  • LocalKeywords . . . . 1 match
         BSTR C++ CString MFC
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