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  • C++/부팅 시간&경과 시간 구하기 . . . . 12 matches
         DWORD GetDateAbsSecond(SYSTEMTIME st)
         void DateAbsSecondToSystemTime(DWORD Abs, SYSTEMTIME &st)
          FileTimeToSystemTime(&fst, &st);
         SYSTEMTIME GetElapsedTimeSinceBoot()
          SYSTEMTIME stRet = { 0, };
         SYSTEMTIME GetBootTime()
          SYSTEMTIME stCurrent = {0,};
          SYSTEMTIME stBootElapsed = GetElapsedTimeSinceBoot();
          SYSTEMTIME stRet = {0,};
          DateAbsSecondToSystemTime(abs - stBootElapsed.wSecond, stRet);
         SYSTEMTIME st = GetBootTime();
         SYSTEMTIME st = GetElapsedTimeSinceBoot();
          static SYSTEMTIME stRunning = { 0, };
          SYSTEMTIME stCurrent = { 0, };
          DateAbsSecondToSystemTime(abs - current_sec, stRunning);
  • C++/(ATL)COleDateTime 사용 . . . . 6 matches
         #keywords ATL,C++,COleDateTime,SYSTEMTIME,struct tm
         === SYSTEMTIME to struct tm ===
          SYSTEMTIME st;
         ==== SYSTEMTIME to struct tm 참고 ====
         typedef struct _SYSTEMTIME {
         } SYSTEMTIME;
  • C++/(MFC)현재 시간 . . . . 1 match
         SYSTEMTIME timeDest;
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