Full text search for "Themida"
- Themida CUI Command batch 작업 . . . . 10 matches
#keywords CUI,Themida,더미다,패킹,패커,CUI
set ThemidaPath=.\Themida_x64_v2.2.3.0
set PATH=%PATH%;%ThemidaPath%
echo Themida 패킹 시작 ...
call :ThemidaFunction some_file.tmd some_file.exe some_file._ini
start /w themida64 /protect %1 /inputfile %2 /inifile %3
echo [%2] Themida Packing Complete!!
call :ThemidaFunction some_file exe
call :ThemidaFunction some_file2 dll
start /w themida64 /protect %1.tmd /inputfile %1.%2 /inifile %1._ini
- Blog/2013-02 . . . . 1 match
* ["Themida CUI Command batch 작업"]
- LocalKeywords . . . . 1 match
CUI Themida "배치 파일" 패커
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