Full text search for "seek"
- UsenetMacro . . . . 4 matches
$seek = strpos($buf, '<TR><TD>Subject: <b>') + 20;
$offset = strpos($buf, '</b></TD></TR>', $seek);
$subj = substr($buf, $seek, $offset-$seek);
- C++/(Gdiplus)Bitmap Serialize . . . . 3 matches
LARGE_INTEGER seekPos = { 0, };
hr = stream->Seek(seekPos, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, &imageSize);
hr = stream->Seek(seekPos, STREAM_SEEK_SET, 0);
- Perl/seek End-Of-File . . . . 2 matches
#keywords EOF,Perl,seek
- Link . . . . 1 match
- LocalKeywords . . . . 1 match
EOF Perl seek
- Perl . . . . 1 match
["/seek End-Of-File"]
- Windows2003Tips . . . . 1 match
boot up floppy seek
Found 7 matching pages out of 1201 total pages
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