#format monimarkup {{{{font-family: Gulim; font-size: 16px; } == '''Standalone''' version == The '''standalone''' version comes with a JavaScript file to simplify configuring and embedding the player. This file includes the  [http://code.google.com/p/swfobject/ swfobject 2.1] library. '''Note''': the zip file includes two other files: * ''''''audio-player'''-noswfobject.js''' (a version of '''audio-player'''.js without the swfobject 2.1 library if you are including it separately) * ''''''audio-player'''-uncompressed.js''' (same as above but uncompressed so you can read the code) === Installation and usage === 1. [ Download] the zip file 1. Extract and upload the files to your server (only two files are required: ''''''audio-player'''.js''' and '''player.swf''') 1. Include the ''''''audio-player'''.js''' file in the HEAD section of your html page 1. Still in the HEAD section, setup '''Audio Player''' as seen in the example below (the only required option is '''width''') 1. To insert a player on the page, place an HTML element (a P tag in the example but it can be anything) and give it a unique ID 1. This element will be replaced with a player. If the browser doesn’t support '''Audio Player''', the element will not be replaced so use it to show alternative content (maybe a message telling the user to download Flash) 1. Insert the script tag after the element as shown below ==== Example ==== Ensure you replace “http://yoursite.com/path/to” with the correct paths to all files. Your website ... === To load multiple files === Simply set '''soundFile '''to a comma delimited list of mp3 files. Optionally, you can also provide a comma delimited list of titles and artists: === List of options === ==== Tracks ==== | Option | Default | Description || | soundFile ||'''required'''||comma-delimited list of mp3 files|| | titles ||overrides ID3 information||comma-delimited list of titles|| | artists ||overrides ID3 information||comma-delimited list of artists||==== Options ==== | Option | Default | Description || | autostart ||no||if yes, player starts automatically|| | loop ||no||if yes, player loops|| | animation ||yes||if no, player is always open|| | remaining ||no||if yes, shows remaining track time rather than ellapsed time|| | noinfo ||no||if yes, disables the track information display|| | initialvolume ||60||initial volume level (from 0 to 100)|| | buffer ||5||buffering time in seconds|| | encode ||no||indicates that the mp3 file urls are encoded|| | checkpolicy ||no||tells Flash to look for a policy file when loading mp3 files& (this allows Flash to read ID3 tags from files hosted on a different domain)|| | rtl ||no||switches the layout to RTL (right to left) for Hebrew and Arabic languages||==== Flash player options ==== | Option | Default | Description || | width ||'''required'''||width of the player. e.g. 290 (290 pixels) or 100%|| | transparentpagebg ||no||if yes, the player background is transparent (matches the page background)|| | pagebg ||NA||player background color (set it to your page background when transparentbg is set to ‘no’)||==== Colour scheme options ==== All colour codes must be 6-digit HEX codes without ‘#’ or ‘0x’ in front. | Option | Default | Description || | bg ||E5E5E5||Background|| | leftbg ||CCCCCC||Speaker icon/Volume control background|| | lefticon ||333333||Speaker icon|| | voltrack ||F2F2F2||Volume track|| | volslider ||666666||Volume slider|| | rightbg ||B4B4B4||Play/Pause button background|| | rightbghover ||999999||Play/Pause button background (hover state)|| | righticon ||333333||Play/Pause icon|| | righticonhover ||FFFFFF||Play/Pause icon (hover state)|| | loader ||009900||Loading bar|| | track ||FFFFFF||Loading/Progress bar track backgrounds|| | tracker ||DDDDDD||Progress track|| | border ||CCCCCC||Progress bar border|| | skip ||666666||Previous/Next skip buttons|| | text ||333333||Text||}}}